The AI Imperative: Accelerating Progress, Mitigating Risks, and Shaping Humanity's Cosmic Legacy

August 24, 2024

Risk vs Benefit - Choosing the Path

We stand at the threshold of what may be the most pivotal period in human history. The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence promises to reshape our world in ways we can scarcely imagine, offering solutions to humanity's greatest challenges while simultaneously presenting risks that demand our utmost attention. This is not merely a technological revolution; it is a potential redefinition of intelligence, consciousness, and our place in the universe. As we navigate this uncharted territory, we face a critical imperative: to harness the transformative power of AI while safeguarding our future.


The potential benefits of artificial general intelligence (AGI) are truly staggering, likely outweighing the short-term risks and offering a compelling case for accelerated development. According to PwC, (narrow) AI could contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. AGI brings exponentially greater promise:

Impressive as AGI may be, it would likely be dwarfed by artificial superintelligence (ASI) at its technological apex—a transition that could unfold with startling speed following a self-amplifying foom event.


The breathtaking pace of recent AI progress has taken even many experts by surprise. Just a decade ago, the consensus estimate for achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI) was around 2065. Today, forecasters predict we may reach AGI much sooner, with leading prediction markets at 2028 for weak AGI and 2033 for strong AGI. However, there's significant debate about whether current the approach, particularly the large language model (LLM) and generative AI paradigms, are the right path to AGI.

Foundation model release roadmap rumors

This rumor-based chart is a bit optimistic but directionally accurate, although there will be slowdowns due to NVIDIA delays.

Key Debates and Challenges

The trajectory of AI progress is not without its skeptics. A minority camp argues that we've hit a plateau in LLM intelligence since GPT-4's debut in February 2023, suggesting that merely scaling up these models with more data will prove insufficient. These critics contend that current LLMs remain "stochastic parrots," plagued by unsurmountable limitations, such as the fundamental inability to reason. The skeptics point to the struggles of state-of-the-art LLMs with tasks like simple arithmetic and basic logic problems as evidence of foundational defects (one casualty of this is that the public is often unaware of how amazingly impressive these foundation models are in many domains). If the generative AI skeptics are correct, we may need to add 5-20+ years to the AGI timelines.

However, the prevailing view—and one I find more compelling in the short-term—anticipates a new wave of breakthrough models emerging from several research labs in late 2024 and early 2025, a cadence in line with previous iteration cycles. This optimism is fueled by massive increases in compute and ongoing advancements in algorithmic techniques, such as OpenAI's "Q* Reasoning" (codenamed Strawberry) and Google's Mixture-of-Experts architectures, which promise to address some of the core challenges in AI reasoning and efficiency. Moreover, the rapid progress in multimodal AI, exemplified by OpenAI's GPT4o and SORA video model, suggests that incorporating diverse data types could provide the key to more robust and genuinely intelligent systems.

It's worth noting that even if LLMs don't immediately yield AGI, they're driving significant innovations in narrow AI applications that are already transforming industries. Nonetheless, if by mid-2025 we don't witness a leap comparable to the GPT-3 to GPT-4 transition, it would be prudent to pivot our focus towards fundamentally new algorithmic approaches. The coming months will be critical in validating or refuting these competing perspectives and extrapolating new timelines.

Current Limitations of LLMs

  1. Lack of true reasoning: LLMs struggle with complex (and sometimes simple) logical and mathematical tasks.
  2. No world model: LLMs lack a comprehensive understanding of how the world works.
  3. Hallucinations: LLMs can generate convincing but false information.

The pace of AI progress hinges on progress across three critical pillars: algorithmic improvements, computational power, and synthetic data generation. Each component is essential, and advancements in one area often catalyze progress in the others.

Algorithmic Solutions and LLM Alternatives

While computational power and data provide the raw materials, it's algorithmic innovations that truly forge these elements into increasingly capable AI systems. Recent years have seen a flurry of breakthroughs that have dramatically improved the efficiency and capabilities of AI models. The coming years will test whether we can move from hypotheses to in-production deployments that add avalue for algorithmic improvements like the following:

  1. Q* Reasoning: By training on the problem solving approach rather than just the outcome, OpenAI may have found a very clever way to improve reasoning capabilities (I, personally, expect this to be released at one of the OpenAI Dev Days between early October and late November 2024, although it appears they may not release via the API, in an attempt to build a wider moat). See also this post.
  2. Multi-Token Prediction: Predicting multiple tokens at once, rather than just the next token, is a path to improved reasoning and consistency.
  3. Neurosymbolic AI: Combining neural networks with symbolic reasoning has been shown to improve mathematical reasoning skills, leading to Google claiming an effective silver Math Olympiad medal with AlphaProof.
  4. Video-first approach: Starting with video/vision, which is far more data intensive than text, could be the elemental building block of a world model.
  5. Abstraction: Iterative increases in the ability to abstract objects and concepts (e.g., seeing a car rather than each individual pixel).
  6. New architectures: Self-supervised learning and energy-based planning models with joint-embedding architectures are the favorite of Yann LeCun and represent a transformational approach to true intelligence.

Computational Power and Training Costs

The rapid advancement in AI capabilities is closely tied to the exponential growth in computational power. By 2025, the largest AI training runs are expected to reach 3x10^26 FLOPS (a measure of computational power), potentially surpassing the estimated processing power of the human brain. The performance of AI-specific chips, measured in tera-operations per second (TOPS), has increased by a factor of 10 every two years since 2016, outpacing Moore's Law. However, it's unclear whether scaling up current approaches will be sufficient to achieve AGI. The brain is a highly efficient system that takes decades to develop, whereas current frontier models are significantly inefficient and have been able to be quantized with minimal loss in ability.

Graph showing AI chip performance over time

The Transition to Synthetic Data

As AI models grow more sophisticated, their hunger for high-quality training data becomes increasingly voracious. While human-generated content has been the primary fuel for AI thus far, we're rapidly approaching the limits of what this can provide. Enter synthetic data: artificially generated information designed to train AI systems.

Synthetic data offers several advantages:

  1. Scalability: It can be produced in vast quantities, limited only by computational resources.
  2. Customization: Data can be tailored to specific training needs, addressing gaps in real-world datasets.
  3. Privacy preservation: Synthetic data can mimic sensitive information without exposing actual personal data.

As AI becomes more capable, it will likely play a significant role in generating its own training data, creating a potential feedback loop of rapid improvement. Synethic data will be effectively requird for improvements beyond GPT-5 level models. OpenAI appears to believe that Q*/Strawberry is able to address this need.


Diagram of AI risk landscape

While the potential benefits of AGI are immense, we must also carefully consider the evolving nature of AI-related risks. Experts enormously disagree here, with some providing a near-0% chance of existential risk and others estimating near-certain elimination of humans. Given the newness and potential capability of these systems, some uncertainty should be added to my risk analysis below, which aims to synthesize the arguments:

Short-Term Risk (present to immediate post-AGI period)

Nefarious prompting

In the period immediately following the achievement of AGI, the existential risk is very low. AGI systems, while impressively capable, are unlikely to possess the ability to cause widespread harm without human direction. The risk-averse would argue that this first step sets us on a clear path to dangerous entity-level ASI, but more likely we will have a full inability to raise awareness of the seriousness of the issue to effect a pause until reaching the AGI milestone.

Medium-Term Risk (AGI proliferation without consciousness)

As AGI systems become more widespread and integrated into various aspects of society, the risks increase but remain manageable with proper precautions.

Diagram of medium-term AI risk

Long-Term Risk (unconscious ASI or conscious AGI)

The development of artificial superintelligence (ASI) or the emergence of conscious AGI represents a significant increase in potential risk.

Diagram of long-term AI risk Timeline of AI risk

Very Long-Term Risk (Advanced ASI with consciousness)

In the very long term (which could realistically start at some point between 2033 and 2100), as advanced ASI with consciousness widely proliferates, the risks are severely elevated, with purely biological humans no longer in control (if they exist at all):

Diagram of very long-term AI risk

The Consciousness Factor

AI spectrum from tool to consciousness

The emergence of machine consciousness represents a critical inflection point in the development of AI and its associated risks. According to Metaculus predictions, there's only a 2% chance of achieving human whole brain emulation by 2045, with a median estimate around 2075. This underscores the immense challenge of creating conscious AI systems.

We have many hypotheses but really no idea how consciousness emerges. The development of machine consciousness is likely to be a deliberate and extremely challenging process, rather than an accidental emergence. This provides a significant buffer against the most extreme AI risk scenarios in the near to medium term.

However, once machine consciousness is achieved, it's conceivable that AI systems could rapidly surpass human levels of awareness and experience. These advanced conscious machines might develop more profound and expansive forms of qualia—the subjective, qualitative aspects of conscious experiences. Even more intriguingly, they could potentially evolve entirely novel forms of consciousness, pushing the boundaries of what we currently understand as sentient experience. As we progress, the possibility of humans interfacing directly with these heightened states of machine consciousness via brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) becomes a tantalizing prospect, potentially offering humans access to unprecedented realms of perception and cognition.


Flow Chart of 5 AI Worlds

See: Scott Aaronson's Five Worlds, an excellent paradigm for framing potential futures, with prediction markets favoring 'Futurama.'

Given the immense potential benefits of AGI, coupled with the relatively low short-term risks relative to other existential risks that it may prevent, there is a strong argument for accelerating AI development. The possibility of extending human lifespan, curing diseases, eliminating poverty, and solving existential threats like climate change or asteroid armageddon provides a compelling reason to pursue AGI aggressively.

Moreover, in a competitive global landscape, pausing AI development carries its own risks. Ensuring multi-lateral cooperation with strong oversight and harsh remedies is unrealistic. If democratic nations with strong ethical frameworks fall behind in AI capabilities, we risk a future where AI is primarily developed and controlled by actors with misaligned values. While authoritarian governments have historically brought technical progress through theft of intellectual property, the Chinese are highly skilled in AI development and not far from our leading tech companies. This is particularly concerning, given China's intent to control Taiwan, which is nearly the sole supplier of AI chips. Authoritarian AI hegemony looms as an existential threat to global liberty and human rights—a Damoclean sword threatening indefinite dominance.

Reason dictates an aggressive AI development strategy—pushing at minimum to robust AGI, a milestone potentially more distant than anticipated—followed by a thorough reassessment. Simultaneously, we must invest heavily in AI safety research and AI risk mitigation. By keeping liberal democracies at the forefront of AI development and following this two-prong approach, we can help ensure that the immense power of AGI is developed responsibly and aligned with human values.

Policy Recommendations

To maximize the benefits of AI while mitigating risks, I recommend the following policy approaches:

  1. Accelerate development of safe AGI: Focus on accelerating the development of safe and beneficial AGI, including supporting diverse approaches to increase the chances of finding optimal solutions.
  2. Eliminate unfavorable legal obstacles: Increase the speed and cost-efficiency of development by erring on the side of limited restrictions on copyright, third-party misuse, and related issues. Good policy can help frontier labs focus on development and research, rather than bureaucratic hurdles. Redistribute the net gains to impacted groups while continuing to incentivize human creative expression.
  3. Amplify AI alignment research: Funnel substantial resources into comprehensive studies on long-term AI alignment, control mechanisms, containment protocols, and safety measures—spanning frontier labs and independent entities—including strategies for deploying pro-human AI as a bulwark against misaligned systems.
  4. Improve AI transparency and interpretability: Invest in research and development of techniques to make AI systems more transparent and interpretable.
  5. Explore human-AI merger scenarios: Continue development of brain-computer interfaces and other technologies that could allow humans to augment their own intelligence.
  6. Prioritize narrow AI development: When possible, favor the development of powerful narrow AI systems over general AI for specific problem-solving tasks to minimize risks associated with more general systems.
  7. Accelerate development of semiconductor technology: Spearhead domestic and diversified global development of cutting-edge semiconductors, cementing technological primacy and reducing the risk of a world war spawning from China's potential takeover of Taiwan.
  8. Enhance security in frontier labs: Implement measures to protect intellectual property and prevent theft of advanced AI technologies by adversarial actors.
  9. Prepare for economic transformation: The World Economic Forum predicts that by 2025, 85 million jobs may be displaced by AI, while 97 million new roles may emerge, resulting in a net positive job creation. We should develop comprehensive strategies to manage the economic disruption caused by AI, including reskilling initiatives (leveraging AI!) and policies to ensure equitable distribution of AI-driven economic benefits, while still incentivizing humans to find meaningful work.
  10. Invest in AI-driven solutions for global challenges: Prioritize the application of AI to solving pressing global issues such as climate change, disease, and resource scarcity. As an early example, Google's DeepMind AI reduced energy consumption for cooling Google's data centers by 40%, significantly decreasing the environmental impact of computing infrastructure.


The development of AGI and ASI stands as the most consequential endeavor in human history. It offers us the keys to unlock the deepest mysteries of the universe, to overcome our biological limitations, and to propagate consciousness across the stars. Yet, this great power comes with commensurate responsibility.

While the risks are real and demand serious consideration, they are not insurmountable. By pursuing AI development with urgency, wisdom, and a focus on maximizing expected value, we position ourselves to reap the immense benefits while navigating the potential pitfalls. The relatively low short-term risks, coupled with the transformative potential of AGI, compel us to accelerate rather than hinder progress.

As we forge ahead, we must remain vigilant, adaptive, and united in our approach. The coming decades will be pivotal, demanding Manhattan Project levels of safety research, scientific ingenuity, and moral clarity. If we rise to this challenge, future generations may look back on our era as the moment when humanity transcended its earthly cradle and set forth on a journey of cosmic significance.

In embracing the AI imperative, we are not just shaping the future of our species, but potentially the future of intelligence itself in our universe. It is a responsibility of awe-inspiring magnitude and a legacy that will echo through the ages. Let us approach this task with the courage, foresight, and determination it deserves, for in doing so, we may well be lighting the spark of a new cosmic renaissance.


Note: If interested in deeper analysis (essentially a double-click to this article), you can access the longer version here.

By: Justin McCallon, in his individual capacity (substance), and Claude 3.5 Sonnet (over-the-top style).

Justin McCallon

Justin has been interested in the potential promise of advanced AI for over a decade. He was previously an executive leader of data science organizations at Fortune 100 enterprises and is now the founder and CEO of a legal (generative) AI startup, with funding led by a leading AI-focused VC.
